Here are eight simple ways on how to boost testosterone naturally for men including Testosterone is more than just a sex hormone as it plays so many important roles in the body the benefits of testosterone include more
(i) energy and
(ii) stamina
(iii) increased fat burning capabilities
(iv)improved muscle building potential
(v)a higher sex drive and performance
it’s safe to say that all men would say yes I would like more of the above and then some signs of low testosterone and men may include
- impaired sexual function
- low levels of muscle mass
- high levels of belly fat
- low energy
So with all that said here is my experience with low testosterone levels let me just share a quick story that I’ve never shared this with anyone before when I was in my early thirties. I am now nearly 40. one of my personal training clients was a doctor so at this time I was really starting to dial in my nutrition so I wanted to get a baseline with my blood test results so my doctor who was a client reviewed my blood test results and said all of my blood markers were healthy however one thing really surprised him it was my testosterone levels looking at me he assumed I would be off the charts
However my testosterone levels were actually quite low he said for someone that looks like you with low body fat great muscle mass he assumed my testosterone levels would be optimal but they weren’t now if I remember correctly my total testosterone count was in the 300 to 400 range so let’s put that in perspective a few decades ago testosterone levels between 500 and 1500 were considered normal now the range has dropped to 350 to 1200 so at the time although my testosterone was still in this huge range it was still considered optimal it was on the very low end of that range and for my age of my lifestyle my testosterone was very low so during this stage of my career I was following a diet that was higher in carbohydrates and lower in fat I was also completing a lot of two-a-day workouts meaning I was doing cardio in the morning and then resistance training in the afternoon for most days of the week I was also going through a divorce I was a brand-new entrepreneur that wasn’t making very much money if any money at all and I felt distant from my friends so in other words I was highly stressed out so the doctors all recommended testosterone replacement therapy however with the potential side-effects I wasn’t a fan of that as a long-term solution and that’s when I decided to dig deep into the research and really focus on these eight ways on how to boost testosterone naturally for men so then by following these tips my recent blood test results with my naturopathic doctor showed my testosterone counts nearly doubled from when I first took my test back in my early 30s so here’s how I did it
1 – consume more healthy fat including cholesterol so guys if you’re still living in 1985 and you think low fat diets are good for you here’s one more reason to add more healthy fat to your diet healthy fats are the building blocks of boosting testosterone naturally as the cholesterol can help produce more testosterone in fact my naturopathic doctor even says even with all the grass-fed meat that I eat the coconut oil and I eat four whole eggs a day my total cholesterol levels are actually still love she’s getting ready to have my call with the natural
In other words she actually wants me to eat more of these foods to increase my cholesterol so these testosterone boosting healthy fats can include a combination of monounsaturated fat and saturated fat so foods high in monounsaturated fat include extra-virgin olive oil in olives nuts in nut butters including macadamias pecans almonds and cashews and scenes including sesame seeds sunflower seeds pumpkin seeds flax seeds and chia seeds and avocado oil in avocados also foods high in saturated fat include grass-fed beef whole eggs coconut coconut oil in coconut butter so
2 – reduce the consumption of alcohol so drinking too much alcohol especially beer can increase the conversion of testosterone to estrogen so when testosterone levels drop estrogen levels usually increase now this is not to say that you can never drink alcohol as I still enjoy a few drinks of alcohol per week but if you’re struggling with low testosterone and you have multiple drinks of beer like every single night cut back
3 – increase consumption of the key testosterone boosting vitamins and minerals so by working with a naturopathic doctor they can run a blood test to see which micronutrients you may be void in now this is important as consuming the optimal amounts of micronutrients are very important when it comes to boosting testosterone production so these important testosterone boosting micronutrients include zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, 3 vitamin A B vitamins and selenium so essentially if you follow like a paleo way of eating like I do meaning foods with an emphasis on meat vegetables fruits nuts and seeds you’re well on your way to optimizing these nutrients but you could also supplement with a high quality greens powder or a multivitamin that is high in these micronutrients just as your micronutrient insurance and if your blood test results show that you’re low in any of these you could also supplement with the individual vitamin or the mineral
4 – guys have more chefs biggity yes the more sex you have the more testosterone your body may produce so to me it sounds like a win-win but just be safe gentlemedn because when you’re living lean we’re a potent baby-making machine and I’m proof of that so be careful.
5 – get rid of the belly fat by reducing sugar consumption so by flipping my carbohydrate and my dietary fat micronutrient percentages like this it helped me reduce my sugar consumption and increase my fat consumption so this is optimal for testosterone production not only sugar terrible for creating unwanted belly fat excessive sugar consumption may also hurt testosterone production when you eat too much sugar it spikes the insulin production to quickly remove all that excess sugar from your bloodstream now this causes your blood sugar levels to crash thus increasing your cravings for more sugar then you eat more sugar in the blood sugar and food cravings cycle just continues so I did an episode on how to reduce cravings by taking a shot of this simple cocktail that I show you in this video right here you can go watch that also I find eating a tablespoon of coconut oil when I feel a craving between meals can help Plus guys not only does this sugar increase belly fat storage but by increasing overall body fat it increases the production of enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen belly fat may also impact the levels of free testosterone and SHBG way stands for sex hormone-binding globulin now this SHBG plays a role in determining how much free testosterone is in the body
6 – guys improve the quality of your sleep so sleep is essential for many aspects of your health including the role it plays in boosting testosterone naturally now I’ve done many videos on how to get better quality sleep but some of the best sleep tips include getting into a relaxed state by unwinding one hour before bed so read a book rather than being on your mobile device or your computer or your TV now meditation which is something that I also implemented can also calm the mind of all the anxieties that you face throughout the day you can also supplement with magnesium before bed as it may help you relax for a deeper sleep while also helping boost testosterone and go watch that video on my best sleep tips right here
7 – reduce xenoestrogens now xenoestrogens are chemicals that act as estrogen mimicking hormones in the body in excess these man-made chemicals may throw off the hormonal balance of both men and women now these are often found in plastics and cans containing bpa skincare products containing parabens sulfates and glycol now I did an entire episode on this so you can go watch that right here and
8 – follow a properly structured resistance training program so sure any type of exercise is good for the body but when it comes to boosting testosterone naturally resistance training not aerobic training is like endurance cardio is your best option your resistance training program should schedule weightlifting days as
well as the much-needed recovery days because guys as I said earlier rest in the recovery is not only essential to reducing stress and inflammation but overtraining can have a negative effect on your testosterone levels so since my first testosterone blood test I pretty much stopped doing two-a-days and I place more emphasis on recovery and it’s also important that your structured workout program focuses more on compound exercises rather than isolation exercises such as bicep curls and leg extensions now the major testosterone boosting compound exercises to focus on include deadlifts squats presses including like a bench press and a shoulder press also rows pull-ups and dips and even kettlebell swings not only did these compound exercises build muscle and burn fat they’re also great for boosting free testosterone and growth hormone and when it comes to your cardio guys sprint workouts are also the way to go when it comes to cardio not endurance cardio workouts not all testosterone in the body is active when you get your testosterone levels checked guys make sure you also measures the free testosterone levels this is the active portion of your testosterone so free testosterone levels decline with age due to that SHBG so that sex hormone binding globulin which binds to the testosterone so once the SHBG is bound your testosterone can no longer provide the body with all the benefits so based on the lab that does my blood work optimal free testosterone levels range from four point seven to twenty four point four so bottom line here on how to boost testosterone naturally as men we need to focus on optimizing our testosterone levels all of the principles from the live lean lifestyle from the nutrition to the recovery to the workout styles are built on optimizing testosterone so even if you’re showing any signs of low testosterone
I still recommend you find out your testosterone count by working with a naturopathic doctor and you can DM me over on instagram at Brad Gutner when I can share my naturopathic doctor with you and see if it’s a good fit for you so once you get your baseline test then you can work towards improving it with our live lean programs so I recommend you go take our live lean body quiz to find the best program for you based on your goals your fitness level and access to equipment now each program comes with a 42 day workout program and nutrition plan so go take the quiz guys figure it out which one’s best for you and let’s get to work if you enjoyed this episode guys subscribe with notifications turned on and please share